Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Nibiru Planet X Does Exist

Nibiru Planet X Does Exist

The Case For Planet X

More planets exist in the outer solar system. Researchers all over the world have looked for the elusive Planet X or a massive planet beyond the Kuiper belt.

Spectre Web has been following this research closely. After the discovery of 2012 VP113 (Biden) and before it, this research to find Planet X has been revived. But the research was really never dead. This is the idea that some well funded agency astronomers and space websites wanted to portray. However, Spectre Web shows the research, by scholar astronomers, has been active all along.
The censorship on the topic of Planet X, autoimposed by a gang of well funded astronomers and memebers of the IAU, has not kept a few brave researchers from looking for Planet X.


Back in May 2013  Spectre Web  published the video and corresponding article entitled, Nibiru Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered.  We knew we would cause controversy by using the Nibiru name, but we also explained we were honoring discredited astronomers by using this name. We also promised to follow up, and although it’s been over a year and a half, we deliver. Research takes time, but overall it does pay.

Nibiru or Planet X does exist.

We will show why we make this asseveration.

Keep reading... 

Copyright © 2015 Spectre Web

Friday, January 16, 2015

Spectre Web is on WordPress

 Spectre Web Is on WordPress

We will discontinue publishing articles here on Blogger, but we will let you know when we publish something new on our website on WordPress.

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We prefer to continue on a website that does not pay more attention to monopolies than to people and freedom of speech. Google has blocked our Google+ page because someone has reported us as spammers. We are clearly NOT spammers, and whatever Google decides later on that is up to them. Spectre Web prefers to use websites that do no pay attention to unfunded accusations......

They will not shut us up....

They will noy shut us down....

Spectre Web
Team of Editors 

January 2015